Christmas 2016


A couple of years ago, I presented a different perspective on Christmas in a blog. I developed this perspective in my understanding of the Scriptures as a result of knowing Dr. Kenneth Bailey for years. I first met him in 1965, when he was the professor of New Testament at the seminary in Beirut, Lebanon, where I was a student, and our relationship continued over the years. He went to be with the Lord in May 2016 at the age of 85. 
As we are bombarded every December with a commercialized Christmas, here are some questions for you to think about and to whet your appetite before reading this blog

·         According to Luke 2:1-7, how could Joseph, along with a pregnant Mary, come to his home town of Bethlehem and not find one single friend or relative who would offer them hospitality at a time when every Bethlehemite was either already in Bethlehem or had returned there to register?   

·         Is the story of the stable or the cave biblical or something else

·         If the people in Bethlehem were not hospitable, why didn't Joseph take Mary to her relative Elizabeth’s home, which was just a few miles away. 

·         If Jesus was born in a stable, why didn’t the shepherds who came to see Jesus after their experience with the angels insist on taking Joseph, Mary and the child to one of their homes? Why did they leave them in a “stable”!?! 
Please read my different and refreshing perspective on Christmas. After you read the blog, please look at this link if you are interested in learning about Dr. Bailey. I have read many of his books, and one of my favorites is Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes.

Dr. Nabeel Jabbour